Zbigniew K. Brzezinski To Address “American-Chinese Geostrategic Relationship” at The Committee of 100’s Annual Conference
(New York, NY – April 5, 2013) – Zbigniew K. Brzezinski, Counselor and Trustee, Center for Strategic and International Studies and former National Security Adviser (1977-1981), will address “AmericanChinese Geostrategic Relationship” at the Committee of 100’s 22nd Annual Conference on April 25, 2013 in Washington, D.C.
The one-day “Common Ground” Conference will include four high-level roundtables: Roundtable I: Strategic Trust Priority: Building Strategic Trust in U.S.-China Relations; Roundtable II: Trade and Bilateral Relations: The Global Impact of U.S.-China Cooperation and Competition; Roundtable III: The Politics of Business: Chinese Outbound Investment in the United States; and Roundtable IV: Campaigns and Elections: Assessing Perceptions of China in U.S. Election Campaigns.
Other confirmed speakers include Gao Xiqing, Vice Chairman and President, China Investment Corporation; Congressman Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader, U.S. House of Representatives; Senator Bob Corker, Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Admiral Dennis Blair, Former Director of National Intelligence; Senator Tim Kaine, U.S. Senator of the Commonwealth of Virginia, U.S. Senate; Chen Feng, Group Chairman of the Board, HNA Group.
Chairman of the Committee of 100 Dominic Ng said: “With the completion of the 2012 political leadership transitions in the United States and China, Washington and Beijing face global challenges that call for trust-building. This year’s Annual Common Ground Conference brings together distinguished thought leaders from both countries to assess critical issues shaping the future of U.S.- China relations.”
The 22 nd Annual Conference Co-Chairs are Howard Li, Chairman and CEO, Waitex International Co. Ltd.; Theodore Wang, Co-Head of U.S. Delta Trading and Co-Chief Operating Officer of Global Equities, Goldman Sachs; and Benjamin Wu, Vice Chairman, U.S.-Asia Institute.
Committee of 100 annual conferences serve as a premier forum on U.S.-China relations and Asian American progress. Inaugurated in 1991, the annual conferences feature respected leaders in academia, the arts, business, government, science, technology, and other subject-matter experts.
The Committee of 100 is a leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, and the arts. For over 20 years, the Committee has served as a high level bridge in the U.S.-China dialogue by fostering regular exchanges with the leadership of Beijing, Taipei, and Washington. C-100 members are leading U.S. citizens of Chinese descent who leverage their collective influence and resources to strengthen U.S.-China relations and promote the advancement of Chinese Americans.
Jennifer Welch, Program Associate
212-371-6565 (W) [email protected]
(美國紐約-2013 年 4 月 5 日)— 美國战略与国际研究中心顧問和董事、原美國國家安全顧問兹 比格涅夫·布热津斯基將於 4 月 25 日在美國首都華盛頓召開的華裔組織百人會第二十二屆年會上 發表題為“中美緣戰略關係”演說。
在“求同存異”的主題下,會議共有四個高水平的討論會:建立中美關係的戰略互信、雙邊貿易 關係-中美合作與競爭的國際影響、商業中的政治因素-中國在美國投資以及競選和選舉-評估美 國競選期間媒體對中國的觀點。
演講者還包括中國投資公司副董事長兼總裁高西慶、參議院外事委員會委員包博•克爾科、原美 國情報總監德尼斯•布莱尔、美國弗吉尼亞州聯邦參議員蒂姆•姆凱恩和海航集團董事局主席陳峰。
百人會會長吳建民說:“中美兩國剛完成政府換屆,華盛頓和北京面臨全球問題的挑戰,雙方必 須建立互信。今年的“求同存異”年會雲集中美兩國思想理論界領袖來探討影響中美關係未來的 重要議題。”