For immediate release
Governor Chris Christie Highlights New Jersey’s Competitive Advantage for Global Companies
(New York, NY–May 12, 2011)— Governor Chris Christie today highlighted New Jersey’s competitive advantage as a destination and marketplace for global companies during his keynote address at the 20th Annual Conference of Committee of 100, a leadership organization of Chinese Americans at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City
Chris Christie was sworn in as New Jersey’s 55th Governor on January 19, 2010. Since his inauguration, Governor Christie has achieved early success in implementing his reform agenda for the state. In the first 15 months of his administration, Governor Christie has balanced budget deficits totaling $13 billion, implemented a 2 percent cap on property taxes, and enacted first-step pension and benefit reform legislation into law. He has made fiscal sanity and responsibility hallmarks of his agenda, while pursing bold reforms to improve public education, rein in public employee pension and benefits costs, and deliver property tax relief. In 2010, Governor Christie was appointed by President Obama to the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations. The Advisory Committee provides policy advice on trade issues of overall national interest. Prior to his election as governor in 2009, Christie served as United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey from 2002 to 2008, where he successfully prosecuted cases against public corruption, corporate crime, human trafficking, gangs, terrorism and polluters.
“New Jersey realizes the importance of expanding international trade, and we have made it a central priority of our economic development strategy,” said Governor Christie. “From ensuring the State has a presence in global markets like China and Europe, to hosting foreign trade missions, we are fully committed to competing aggressively for foreign investment. I’m pleased to join the Committee of 100 because for more than 20 years, the Committee has provided an important bridge between the United States and China.”
Since taking Office, the Christie Administration has worked aggressively to increase New Jersey’s import-export capacity, as well as additional trade investment opportunities. The Administration has announced a number of actions that will encourage increased import-export capacity, including a memorandum of understanding agreement between the Economic Development Authority and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey for shared trade offices covering the Greater China and the European market, the investment of $1 billion dollars into modernizing the Bayonne Bridge, and the Global Business Advocacy department in the Business Action Center, hosting upwards of 23 various foreign delegations and trading partners in New Jersey. Currently, New Jersey is the 11th largest exporter in the United States, last year with over $32.2 billion in export sales.
“We are delighted to host Governor Christie at our annual Conference,” said John S. Chen, Committee of 100 Chairman. “We praise his vision to make education and energy top priorities and share his determination to make us more competitive to meet the challenge of a globalized economy.”
Themed “Common Ground,” Committee of 100’s Annual Conference brings together opinion leaders and shapers of policy to explore the evolving China and U.S. dynamic. Topics of discussion include: social and economic change within the two countries, challenges faced in developing sustainable cities, emergence of new markets in the U.S. and China and best practices for Asian talent management in global companies. The 20th Annual Conference Co-Chairs are Clarence Kwan, Senior Partner, Chinese Services Group, Deloitte LLP; James M. Li, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs; and Lulu C. Wang, Chief Executive Officer, Tupelo Capital Management LLC.
The Committee of 100 is a leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, and the arts. For over 20 years, the Committee has served as a substantive bridge in the U.S.-China dialogue by fostering regular exchanges with the leadership of Beijing, Taipei, and Washington. Members of the Committee of 100 are leading U.S. citizens of Chinese descent who leverage their collective influence, resources and experiences to address important topics shaping U.S.-China relations as well as issues affecting the Chinese American community.
Contact: Ms. An Ping
(917) 670-5871
[email protected]
克里斯•克里斯蒂州長強調該州具有競爭力 呼籲跨國公司選擇在澤西州落戶
(紐約州紐約市–2011 年 5 月 12 日)– 新澤西州州長克里斯•克里斯蒂今天在百人會第 20 屆年會上發表演 說, 強調新澤西州具有競爭優勢, 跨國公司應選擇新澤西州落戶,並開發其市場。美國華裔精英組織百人 會今年的年會 5 月 12 日在紐約市華爾道夫酒店舉行。
克里斯•克里斯蒂於 2010 年 1 月 19 日宣誓就職新澤西州第 55 屆州長。就職以來,克里斯蒂州長成功地實施 他的改革計劃。就職後 15 個月中,克里斯蒂州長成功減少了 130 億美元財政赤字,實施了 2%財產稅的限 額,以及通過了第一期退休金和福利改革的立法。克里斯蒂州長大膽的改革計劃包括改善公立教育系統、嚴 格控制公務員養老金和福利的支出以及減少財產稅,因此,他維持了財政平衡,實現了他的改革承諾。在 2010 年,克里斯蒂州長被奧巴馬總統任命為貿易與談判顧問委員會成員。顧問委員會為涉及整體國家利益 的貿易問題提供政策性建議。在 2009 年當選州長以前,克里斯蒂曾於 2002 年至 2008 年擔任新澤西地區聯 邦檢察官。在任期間,克里斯蒂成功的對多起腐敗、企業犯罪、販賣人口、幫派犯罪、恐怖分子犯罪和污染 犯罪進行了起訴。
“新澤西州知道擴大國際貿易的重要性,所以我們已經將國際貿易作為經濟發展政策的重點。” 克里斯蒂州長 說道,“我們全心全意地投入到吸引境外投資的工作, 從確保新澤西州在國際市場例如中國和歐洲中佔有一 席之地,到接待外國貿易訪問團。我很高興今天參加百人會的年會,因為 20 多年來,百人會是美國和中國 交流之間重要的橋樑。”
自從上任以來,克里斯蒂州長和州政府致力於提高新澤西州進出口能力,增加貿易投資機會。州政府已經宣 布了一系列提高進出口貿易能力的措施,包括經濟發展局和紐約州新澤西州港局簽署的共享大中華區和歐洲 市場辦公室的備忘錄,投資十億美元改建 Bayonne 橋,以及由商業行動中心的全球商業倡議部門接待來自 23 個國家的貿易夥伴代表團訪問新澤西。目前,新澤西州出口額排全美第 11 名,去年一年出口額超過 322 億美元。
百人會主席程守宗表示:“我們很高興克利斯蒂州長在我們的年會上演講。我們讚賞他把教育和能源當作新澤 西州的重點。克利斯蒂州長呼籲增強美國在全球化經濟中的競爭力,百人會認為這是務實的,並願意為加強 中美兩國了解與合作做出貢獻。”
以“求同存異”為宗旨,百人會第二十屆年會為意見領導人及決策者提供探討中美關係的機會。本次大會圍繞 兩國社會經濟變化、可持續發展城市所面對的挑戰、美國與中國新市場的出現以及跨國公司的亞裔人才管理 展開。本屆年會的聯席主席是德勤中國業務部高級合伙人關德銓、高盛集團總經理李美生以及 Tupelo Capital Management LLC 首席執行官王周克璐。
百人會是一個由在商業、政府、學術和藝術界的傑出美籍華人組成的精英領袖組織。二十年來,百人會保持 與北京、台北和華盛頓領導人定期的交流,成為中美對話的高端橋樑。百人會會員均為成功的美籍華裔,他 們聚集各自的經驗、資源和影響力,致力於推动中美關係,并关注和解决美國華裔群體的重要問題。
Contact: Ms. An Ping
(917) 670-5871
[email protected]