Leading Chinese American Organization Committee of 100 to Discuss Critical Issues in U.S.-China Relations
(Washington, D.C. – April 25, 2013) – The Committee of 100 (C-100), an organization of leading Chinese Americans, opened its 22nd Annual Conference on April 25, 2013 in Washington, D.C.
Under “Common Ground,” the one-day Conference on April 25 will include four high-level roundtables:
Roundtable I: Strategic Trust Priority: Building Strategic Trust in U.S.-China Relations;
Roundtable II: Trade and Bilateral Relations: The Global Impact of U.S.-China Cooperation and Competition;
Roundtable III: The Politics of Business: Chinese Outbound Investment in the United States; and
Roundtable IV: Campaigns and Elections: Assessing Perceptions of China in U.S. Election Campaigns.
Keynote speakers include Zbigniew K. Brzezinski, Counselor and Trustee, Center for Strategic and International Studies and former National Security Adviser (1977-1981) and Gao Xiqing, Vice Chairman and President, China Investment Corporation. His Excellency Cui Tiankai, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the United States of America; Congressman Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader, U.S. House of Representatives; and Senator Bob Corker, Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations will deliver remarks. Other participants include Admiral Dennis Blair, Former Director of National Intelligence; Senator Tim Kaine, U.S. Senator of the Commonwealth of Virginia, U.S. Senate; The Honorable Robert Hormats, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, U.S. Department of State; and Shariff Kan, President, Haier America.
Chairman of the Committee of 100 Dominic Ng said: “With the completion of the 2012 political leadership transitions in the United States and China, Washington and Beijing face global challenges that call for trustbuilding. This year’s Annual Common Ground Conference brings together distinguished thought leaders from both countries to assess critical issues shaping the future of U.S.-China relations.”
The 22nd Annual Conference Co-Chairs are Howard Li, Chairman and CEO, Waitex International Co. Ltd.; Theodore Wang, Co-Head of U.S. Delta Trading and Co-Chief Operating Officer of Global Equities, Goldman Sachs; and Benjamin Wu, Vice Chairman, U.S.-Asia Institute
Committee of 100 conferences serve as a valuable form for the discussion of issues pertaining to U.S.-China relations and Asian American progress. Inaugurated in 1991, the annual conference features respected leaders in academia, the arts, business, government, science, technology, and more as panelists and speakers.
The Committee of 100 is a leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, and the arts. For over 20 years, the Committee has served as a high level bridge in the U.S.-China dialogue by fostering regular exchanges with the leadership of Beijing, Taipei, and Washington. C-100 members are leading U.S. citizens of Chinese descent who leverage their collective influence and resources to strengthen U.S.-China relations and promote the advancement of Chinese Americans.
Jennifer Welch, Program Associate
212-371-6565 (W) 646-715-6457 (C)
[email protected]
(2013 年 4 月 25 日-美國首都華盛頓)— 美國華裔組織百人會於 4 月 25 日美國首都華盛頓召 開第二十二屆年會。
在“求同存異”的主題下,會議共有四個高水平的討論會:建立中美關係的戰略互信討論、雙邊貿 易關係-中美合作與競爭的國際影響、商業中的政治因素–中國在美國投資以及競選和選舉–評估 在美國競選中媒體對中國的觀點。
主題演講人包括美國戰略與國際研究中心顧問和董事兹比格涅夫•布熱津斯基、中國投資公司副 董事長兼總裁高西慶。中華人民共和國驻美利堅合眾國特命全權大使崔天凱、美國眾議院多數黨 領袖艾里可•康德和參議院外事委員會委員包博•克爾科發表演講。原美國情報總監德尼斯•布莱 爾、美國弗吉尼亞州聯邦參議員蒂姆•凱恩、負責經濟、能源和環境事務的美國副國务卿羅伯特• 霍馬斯以及海尔美國公司總裁沙立夫•康在討論會上發言。
百人會會長吳建民說:“中美兩國剛完成政府換屆,華盛頓和北京面臨全球問題的挑戰,雙方需 要建立互信。今年的“求同存異”年會在中美關係的關鍵時刻,探討雙方在重要領域的實際合作。”
本屆年會的聯席主席是高盛集團美國股票交易聯席主管兼股票“One Delta”交易全球聯席主管 王鐵飞、美國威特集團公司董事長兼首席執行長李學海和美京美亞協會副主席吳旭淳。
百人會年會為探討中美關係和美國華裔狀況提供難得的平台。自從 1990 年第一屆年會舉行以來, 每年學術界、商界、科技界和政府部門的權威人士聚集一堂,就中美關係和華裔問題各抒己見。
百人會是一個由商業、政府、學術和藝術界的傑出美籍華人組成的精英組織。二十年來,百人會 與北京、台北和華盛頓領導人保持定期的交流,為推動中美互相了解起到了重要作用。百人會會 員聚集他們的經驗、資源和影響力,致力於推動中美關係,並關注和解决美國華裔群體的重要問題。
www.committee100.org ####