(New York- July 2, 2009)– The Committee of 100 (C-100) is delighted to announce that C-100 is designated as a Strategic Partner of the USA National Pavilion at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, China.
As a strategic partner, C-100 will assist the USA National Pavilion in fund raising and support the “Success of the Chinese in America” exhibit in the Pavilion.
The Committee of 100 has been outreaching to members and companies to encourage support of the USA National Pavilion. In addition, the Committee of 100 is raising public awareness of the World Expo by reaching out to the media, business communities, and both U.S. and Chinese government officials.
John S. Chen, Chairman of the Committee of 100, said: “Establishment of the strategic partnership is a great beginning to C-100’s collaboration with the USA National Pavilion which will serve as an important bridge of understanding between the peoples of the United States and Greater China and as a good opportunity to highlight Chinese American contributions to America.”
Ellen R. Eliasoph, Co-Chair of Shanghai Expo 2010, Inc. said: “We are greatly honored by C-100’s support of this effort. C-100’s creativity, cross-cultural insights and powerful corporate network will be great assets to the USA National Pavilion. The Committee’s participation will help ensure the authenticity of our important show component depicting the rich legacy and remarkable achievements of the Chinese community in America. We know that Chinese visitors to our Pavilion will be especially thrilled and proud to know that C-100 is playing a key role in the project.”
The Shanghai World Expo 2010 will be held from May 1-October 31, 2010 with a projected 70 million attendees. This will be China’s debut as host of a world expo. At more than 60,000 square feet, the USA National Pavilion will be one of the largest pavilions at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. It will showcase American culture, values, and businesses in China’s most dynamic city, while at the same time celebrating the friendship between the peoples of the U.S. and China.
Founded in 1989, the Committee of 100 is a national non-partisan, non-profit membership organization comprised of prominent Chinese Americans in a broad range of professions. With members’ knowledge and experience, the Committee has dedicated its efforts to a dual mission: (1) encouraging constructive relations between the peoples of the United States and Greater China, and (2) encouraging the full participation of Chinese Americans in all aspects of American life. For more information, visit:
Contact: Ms. An Ping
212-371-6565 [email protected]
百人会成为中国 2010 年上海世博会美国馆战略合作伙伴
(2009 年 7 月 2 日–纽约)—美国百人会今日荣幸地宣布百人会被正式任命 为中国 2010 年上海世博会美国馆战略合作伙伴。作为战略合作伙伴,百人会 将协助美国馆筹资,并支持设在美国馆内的展览“华裔在美国的成就”的准 备工作。
百人会鼓励会员及公司积极参与美国馆的筹建。此外,百人会通过与媒体、 企业界和中美政府官员的接触,努力提高美国公众对世博会的认知。
百人会会长程守宗说道:“建立战略合作伙伴关系是百人会与美国馆共同努 力的重要开始,世博会的美国展馆将为中美人民之间建立起重要的理解之 桥,同时也将突出表现华裔对美国所做出的巨大贡献”。
美国馆组织方联席主席艾秋兴女士(Ellen R. Eliasoph)指出:“对于百人会 对世博会美国馆建设的支持和努力我们深感荣幸。百人会的创造力、跨文化 的见解能力以及与大企业的关系是建设美国馆的巨大资产。百人会的参与将 有助于确保我们描绘美国华人社区丰富遗产和展示华人杰出成就的真实性。 我们确信,中国人在知道百人会在美国馆建设中发挥了关键作用后,在参观 美国馆时会更加激动和自豪”。
上海世博会将于 2010 年 5 月 1 日至 10 月 31 日举行,预计将有 7000 万参观 者。这将是中国首次主办世界博览会。规划中的美国馆占地六万多平方英 尺,是上海世博会最大的陈列馆之一。它将展示美国的文化、价值观和美国 企业在中国诸多城市中的积极发展,同时也庆祝中美两国人民的长久友谊。
百人会成立于 1989 年,由来自各个领域的杰出美国华裔组成,是一个非党 派、非营利的全国性会员组织。依靠会员们的知识与资源,百人会致力于两 大宗旨:(1)促进中美间建设性的关系;(2)推动美国华裔全面参与美国 社会。欲求更多信息请参阅。
联系人:安平 女士
[email protected]