The Committee of 100 hosts opinion leaders and shapers of policy Exploring the Evolving China and US Dynamic
(New York—May 12, 2011)–The Committee of 100 (C-100), an organization of leading Chinese Americans, will be convening its 20th Annual Conference, “Common Ground,” on May 12, 2011 in New York City. Specific topics of discussion include: social and economic change within the two countries, challenges faced in developing sustainable cities, emergence of new markets in the U.S. and China and best practices for Asian talent management in global companies.
Speakers include: Gary Locke, Secretary of Commerce; Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City; Chris Christie, Governor of State of New Jersey; Vikram Pandit, Chief Executive Officer, Citigroup; Stephen S. Roach, Senior Fellow, The Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, Yale University and Non-Executive Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia; Charlene Barshefsky, Senior International Partner, WilmerHale; Former United States Trade Representative; Ni Pin, President, Wanxiang America Corporation; Jesse Wang, Executive Vice President & Chief Risk Officer, China Investment Corporation (CIC); and Shelly Lazarus, Chairman, Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide.
Henry Paulson, the 74th U.S. Treasury Secretary and Liu He, Deputy Director of China’s Central Leadership Office of Financial and Economic Affairs will receive “Leadership Award for Advancing US-China Relations”. Other honorees are James E. Rogers, Chairman, President, and CEO of Duke Energy for “Business Excellence”; Laura M. Cha, Deputy Chairman of HSBC Asia Pacific for “Philanthropy”; and Cai Guo-Qiang, contemporary artist, for “Chinese in America Achievement”.
C-100 Chairman John S. Chen states: “U.S.-China relations are complex and multi-faceted. Therefore, dialogues are the key for mutual understanding to find “common ground”. I believe that based on this foundation, two countries can have collaborations to gain more. This is our mission to offer a platform for debate and consensus for the way forward.”
The 20th Annual Conference Co-Chairs are Clarence Kwan, National Managing Partner, Chinese Services Group, Deloitte LLP; James M. Li, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs; and Lulu C. Wang, Chief Executive Officer, Tupelo Capital Management LLC.
Major sponsors of the conference include Bank of America, Deloitte and Walls Fargo.
The Committee of 100 is an international, non-profit, non-partisan membership organization that brings a Chinese American perspective to issues concerning Asian Americans and U.S.-China relations. Our organization draws upon the collective experience, knowledge and resources of our members – Chinese Americans who have achieved prominence in a variety of fields and work in partnership towards our mission: to encourage constructive relations between the peoples of the United States and Greater China and promote the full participation of Chinese Americans in all fields of American life.
Contact: Ms. An Ping
(917) 670-5871
[email protected]
百人會邀請中美決策者和輿論領袖 探討中美關係發展趨勢和前景
(2011 年 5 月 12 日-美國紐約市)――美國華裔組織百人會於 5 月 11 日在美國召開第二十屆年會。 今年的會議主題為“求同存異”。會議雲集美中兩國重量級人物,他們將就有關美中關係和美國華 裔所關心的熱點問題發表獨特的見解。大會的四個討論會圍繞新境外市場、社會轉變對經濟和政治 改革的影響、城市的可持續發展和亞裔管理跨國公司的能力展開。
發言人包括美國商务部长駱家輝、纽约市市长彭博、新澤西州州長克利斯蒂、花旗集团首席执行官 潘伟迪、耶鲁大学杰克逊全球事务研究所高级研究员暨摩根斯坦利亚洲公司非執行副董事長史蒂芬 ·罗奇、WilmerHale 高级国际合伙人、前美国贸易代表查琳·巴尔舍夫斯基、中国投资有限责任公 司执行副董事兼首席风险管理官汪建熙、高瓴资本管理有限公司创始人兼管理合伙人张磊和奥美国 际集团主席夏兰泽。
在百人會年度晚宴上,前美國第七十四任財政部長亨利•保爾森和中國中央財經領導小組辦公室副主 任劉鶴將被授予“促進中美關系領導者獎”,杜克能源董事長、總裁兼總行政執行官吉米•羅杰斯將獲 “商業傑出獎”, 匯豐亞洲投資公司非執行董事查史美倫獲“慈善事業獎”,當代藝術家蔡國強將被授 予“美國華人成就獎”。
百人會會長程守宗表示:“美國和中國關係錯綜複雜,對話對互相了解極為重要,否則根本談不上 “求同存異”,而沒有“求同存異”,就沒有合作的基礎。提供討論雙邊關係及尋求合意是百人會的責 任。”
本屆年會的聯席主席是百人會會員德勤中國業務部高級合伙人關德銓、高盛集團總經理李美生以及 Tupelo Capital Management LLC 首席執行官王周克璐。年會的主要贊助商包括美洲銀行、德勤和 富國銀行。
百人會是一個由在商業、政府、學術和藝術界的傑出美籍華人組成的精英領袖組織。二十年來,百 人會保持與北京、台北和華盛頓領導人定期的交流,成為中美對話的高端橋樑。百人會會員均為成 功的美籍華裔,他們聚集各自的經驗、資源和影響力,致力於推动中美關係,并关注和解决美國華 裔群體的重要問題。
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