Contact: Charlotte Li, Director of Policy
[email protected] or 212-371-6565
Committee of 100 Mourns the Passing of Anna Chennault
(New York, NY, April 3, 2018) — Anna Chennault, the legendary figure in U.S.-China relations, has passed away at the age of 94, in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Chennault, the widow of United States General Claire Lee Chennault of the “Flying Tigers” fame, was a long-time member of the Committee of 100 (C100) and an active participant in C100 functions. She was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award for “International Cooperation” by C100 in 2005 at the organization’s annual conference.
“Anna Chennault was a true pioneer: as a courageous young woman helping the Flying Tigers during World War II and as a proud Chinese American working with Chinese and American leaders to build strong positive relationships,” C100 Governor Shirley Young, one of the original members of the non-profit organization, said. “We are grateful to have had her as a vibrant member of the Committee of 100.”
A native of China, from a family prominent in public life, Mrs. Chennault was a newspaper correspondent during World War II. Upon her marriage to General Chennault, the former Chen Xiangmei moved to the United States, though the family also traveled and lived extensively throughout the world. General Chennault and his “Flying Tigers” were revered during World War II for their heroic defense of China against Japanese aggression.
Over the years, Mrs. Chennault became one of the most influential private citizens in the nation’s capital. She was renowned for having the ear of Presidents and for her influence on foreign policy. Everyone working on U.S.-China relations recognized her invaluable contributions to diplomacy. Her death marks the end of an era. C100 expresses its sympathies to family and friends.
The Committee of 100 (C100) is a non-profit leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, and the arts. Founded by world renowned architect I.M. Pei and internationally acclaimed cellist Yo-Yo Ma, among others, it is an institution for U.S. citizens of Chinese heritage to join by invitation based on their extraordinary achievements. For over 25 years, C100 has served as a preeminent organization committed to the twin missions of promoting full participation of Chinese Americans in all aspects of American life and encouraging constructive relations between the peoples of the United States and Greater China.
[email protected] 或 212-371-6565
(美国纽约州纽约市,2018年4月3日) —中美关系间的传奇人物陈香梅女士于美国首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区逝世,享年94岁。陈香梅女士是享誉盛名的“飞虎队”指挥官陈纳德将军的遗孀,百人会会员,长期以来活跃参与百人会的众多活动。她还是百人会2005年度“国际合作”终生成就奖的获得者,并在当年的年会上接受颁奖。
百人会创会理事及首任会长杨雪兰说:“陈香梅是一位真正的先行者。作为一个勇敢的年轻女性,她在二战期间为飞虎队提供协助;作为一个自豪的美国华人,她与中美两国的领袖一起建设强健而积极的关系。” 她说,“百人会非常感念能拥有她这样一位充满活力的会员。”