On Saturday, November 5, 2016, the Committee of 100 co-hosted a “Trade Secrets and Economic Espionage Workshop: Seminar on the Legal Risks in Advancing Technology Between the United States and China” in Houston, Texas with the Chinese American Citizens Alliance and 6 other organizations. The workshop panel included C100 member Nelson Dong and special guests Sherry Chen and Dr. Xiaoxing Xi. The event took place in Duncan Hall at Rice University, and was attended by scientists and engineers from all over Texas. C1oo member Dr. Paul Chu also attended the event.
Chinese scientists, technology professionals, and federal government employees in the United States have increasingly become the focus of criminal investigations and prosecutions involving national security, intellectual property theft, and corporate espionage. Committee of 100 member Nelson Dong discussed the complex U.S. legal environment, historical context, and geo-political background surrounding these cases, and explored some of the more notable cases that have been brought by the government against Chinese American scientists and government employees. Special guests Sherry Chen and Dr. Xiaoxing Xi shared their experiences as Chinese American scientists who suffered professional, emotional and financial harm when they were accused of and arrested for espionage, only to have all charges subsequently dropped without explanation or apology.
The Committee of 100 has been conducting educational workshops throughout the country since 2012 for Asian Americans in the scientific community on the risks and requirements of U.S. laws on trade secrets, espionage, and export controls. As an organization committed to the full inclusion and equal protection of Chinese Americans in the United States, C100 members provide this public service on a volunteer basis in order to prevent Asian American scientists and government employees from being accused of wrongdoing due to insufficient knowledge of the risks and sensitivities involved in their fields.
C100 members Dr. Paul Chu and Nelson Dong with speakers Sherry Chen and Dr. Xiaoxing Xi, event c-hosts Edmond Gor and Cecil Fong and event participants
Nelson Dong, Dr. Xiaoxing Xi and Sherry Chen (Photo courtesy of China Daily)
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