Committee of 100, a non-profit membership organization of prominent Chinese Americans, and NORC at the University of Chicago, one of the largest independent social research organizations in the United States, unveiled its ‘State of Chinese Americans’ study findings, a survey focused on areas of mental health, political preferences, discrimination, and diversity of the Chinese American population.
In the survey, two-thirds of Chinese Americans (68%) stated they face at least one form of discrimination in an average month, with a large percentage of the Chinese American community stating they continue to struggle with mental health. 43% of those surveyed say they felt depressed and 39% reporting having felt worthless. 61% say that the language and rhetoric used by the U.S. news media when reporting on U.S. – China relations negatively affects how strangers treat them; and about a quarter of the respondents say their relationship with acquaintances (26%) and coworkers (25%) has also been negatively impacted by the relationship. On the U.S. – China relationship overall, nearly ninety percent (89%) of Chinese Americans view the current U.S. China relationship as negative.
Full details at the below links:
Full Report Press Release (October 31)
Full Report (October 31) [scroll to the bottom “download full report”]
Executive Summary Press Release (September 25)
Executive Summary (September 25)
Committee of 100 will be conducting free, in-person or virtual town halls and Q&As to discuss the ‘State of Chinese Americans’ findings and recommendations from this research throughout 2024. If your group or organization is interested, please reach out to [email protected] to discuss timing and opportunities.
Committee of 100 is offering exclusive sponsorship opportunities for current and future research initiatives that delve into the complexities of Chinese American xenophobia and hate and providing a unique platform for brands to support groundbreaking studies that drive meaningful change in our communities. If interested, reach out to [email protected] to discuss.
The State of Chinese Americans 2024 Data Explorer