
The State of Chinese Americans Survey 2022

THE RESULTS: Columbia University’s School of Social Work, one of the world’s leading research universities, and Committee of 100, a non-profit membership organization of prominent Chinese Americans, have announced the results from a year-long research project and survey that looked specifically at the health, economic, and sociopolitical conditions of today’s Chinese American population.

The first and largest of its kind project to gather wide-ranging data on Chinese Americans, the “State of Chinese Americans” survey gathered information from nearly 6,500 participants compiling data related to demographics, politics, cultural identity, health, economic security, and social engagement. The research effort was supported by over 100 Chinese American and allied organizations nationwide, who shared the survey with community members in English, traditional Chinese, and simplified Chinese.

Getting disaggregated, accurate, and comprehensive data on Chinese Americans will help inform policymakers and the public of the diverse set of opinions, perceptions, and needs of Chinese Americans across the country and develop timely and responsive policies, programs, and services to address those needs.

Press Release on Findings & Recommendations (August 2)
Full Report (August 2)
Executive Summary (August 2)


The State of Chinese Americans 2022 Data Explorer

The survey data presented in The State of Chinese Americans 2022 Data Explorer is intended to compliment the findings described in The Fight for Representation: The State of Chinese Americans 2022, a collaborative survey study conducted by Columbia University and Committee of 100 that examined Chinese Americans’  demographic, cultural, economic, health, and sociopolitical characteristics.  Within the Data Explorer, users may select a question or constructed variable from the lefthand dropdown menu for which to display corresponding aggregate-level data, and users may also compare percentages across various demographic groups using the righthand dropdown menu.

The percentages displayed in the Data Explorer are based on weighted data.  Percentages and corresponding bars that are grey in color are based on unweighted sample sizes deemed too small to provide weighted estimates.  Please refer to the study materials in the report for detailed information about data collection, weighting, analyses, and other details related to study methodology (e.g., construction of variables such as the “economic hardship indicator”).  Note that any differences between percentages displayed in the Data Explorer and percentages described in the study materials are due to rounding errors.

Please provide proper citation to information referenced from the Data Explorer or report.

Recommended Citation:

Qin Gao, Jennifer So, Samuel Collitt & Stacie Tao. (2023). The Fight for Representation: The State of Chinese Americans 2022. Columbia University and Committee of 100.

For questions or comments about the application, please contact the maintainer, Sam Collitt, at  For questions about the study or findings, please contact

National Survey Launch Webinar

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