Press Releases

Statement on Immigration

18th April 2013

The Committee of 100 Supports Immigration

(New York, NY-April 18, 2013)–The Committee of 100, a group of Chinese American leaders, supports immigration. We believe in welcoming people of all backgrounds to the United States of America. Immigration has defined America. People from the world over have come to this great nation since before its founding. They have pursued liberty, equality, and a dream of a better life for themselves and their children. No other society in human history has offered the same opportunities, nor has any community achieved such success. Everyone agrees now that immigration reform is crucial to our shared future. The current system does not serve the national interest. The current debate over immigration policy has ended up presenting an unnecessary conflict. Some demagogues have created a false dilemma. They have asked that citizens choose between advancing our competitiveness by welcoming newcomers with much needed skills and ensuring our humanity by reuniting families who have been waiting to come together. Both of these groups are deserving. Time and again, the United States has proven its principles. Over time, Chinese immigrants, and their descendants, have been integrated into American life. Some came as laborers, from the earliest days of the transcontinental railroad to the highly talented students and professionals of the past two generations. Others came as exclusionary laws were eliminated, joining husbands and fathers who had come earlier and sought to establish their permanent roots here. Asian Americans feel undue pressure whenever skills-based immigration and family-based immigration are presented as opposed to one another. These goals are compatible. Many people who have skills also have extended family members whom they wish to have join them. There is no need to force a choice between skills and extended family members. The Committee of 100 urges responsible leaders to do everything possible to make good on the promise of the United States. The Committee of 100 is a leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, and the arts. For over 20 years, the Committee has served as a high level bridge in the U.S.-China dialogue by fostering regular exchanges with the leadership of Beijing, Taipei, and Washington. C-100 members are leading U.S. citizens of Chinese descent who leverage their collective influence and resources to strengthen U.S.-China relations and promote the advancement of Chinese Americans.


Ping An, Director of Public Relations

212-371-6565 or [email protected]


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