Committee of 100 Names Angelica O. Tang as Executive Director
(New York, NY-September 14)– Angelica O. Tang has been named Executive Director of the Committee of 100, a Chinese American leadership organization based in New York with membership across the United States and Asia. Effective on September 14, 2009, Ms. Tang will work closely with Committee of 100 members to manage the expansion of the organization’s programs and to pursue its missions.
Ms. Tang was appointed Regional Representative for the U.S. Department of Labor by President George W. Bush in 2001. She was the Labor Secretary’s spokesperson and intergovernmental administrator in the Northeast and Caribbean region. Her commended effort in providing timely and quality assistance to September 11 dislocated workers in Lower Manhattan was featured on CNN.
Before joining the Labor Department, Ms. Tang was Executive Director of New York City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs and Language Services. As a cabinet official under the administration of Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, Ms. Tang developed and implemented effective immigrant initiatives. She has published academic monographs on the subject of global migration and its impact.
Ms. Tang was elected a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations and served on the Board of Directors of the International Center of New York and the Lower East Side Tenement Museum. She is a founder of the Pan Asian American Leadership Caucus and has received numerous civic and leadership awards. Ms. Tang was the President of Eastwind Capital Strategies, a New York-based business consulting company serving a clientele with cross-border investment opportunities in the Greater China region.
“We are delighted to have Angie on board as Executive Director,” commented John S. Chen, Chairman of the Committee of 100. “Angie’s experience in government and private sector is a perfect fit with both our goals and our needs, and we look forward to a robust expansion with Angie’s leadership, added to the strong team we have in place.”
“I’m both humbled and proud to accept this responsibility,” said Ms. Tang. “I hope that the synergy of my professional experience and technical knowledge will help the Committee advance its goals of building bridges between nations and among communities.”
Founded in 1989, the Committee of 100 is a national nonpartisan, non-profit membership organization comprised of prominent Chinese Americans in a broad range of professions. With their knowledge and experience, the Committee has committed to a dual mission: (1) encouraging constructive relations between the peoples of the U.S. and Greater China, and (2) encouraging the full participation of Chinese Americans in all aspects of American life. For more information, visit:
Contact: An Ping Public Relations Director
T. 212-371-6565
[email protected]
(紐約州紐約市—9 月 14 日)鄧安琪女士於近日獲百人會委任爲新一任執 行總監,並將於 9 月 14 日履新。總部設在紐約的華人精英團體百人會,其 會員分佈於全美及亞洲。鄧女士將與百人會會員通力合作,管理各項計劃的 發展,致力於百人會使命的達成。
鄧女士曾於 2001 年獲小布什總統任命爲美國勞工部地區代表,並任勞工部 長新聞發言人及東北部和加勒比地區政府間協調員。鄧女士在 9/11 事件後 為曼哈頓下城地區的遷置勞工提供了及時而有效的協助,並因此廣受讚譽, 美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)曾就此作出專題報導。
在加入美國勞工部之前,鄧女士曾任紐約市移民事務和語言服務辦公主任。 作爲朱利安尼市長的市政府管理團隊核心成員,鄧女士制定執行了有效的移 民政策。她還曾就全球移民問題及其影響議題發表學術文章。
鄧女士曾當選爲美國外交關係協會成員,並曾任紐約國際中心和下東城移民 博物館董事。鄧女士為泛亞美領袖委員會創始人,並曾獲得多個公民和领袖 獎項。她曾担任總部設在紐約的商業咨詢公司東風投資策略的總裁,爲客戶 在大中華地區進行跨國投資提供服務。
“我們很高興鄧女士出任執行總監,”百人會會長程守宗說,“鄧女士在政 府和私營部門的經驗與我們的目標和需要高度吻合。我們期待她的領導才能 讓百人會強勁發展,讓現有團隊更加強大。”
“我心懷敬畏而又自豪地擔負起這份職責,”鄧安琪說,“我希望我的職業 經驗和專業知識, 能够有助百人會推進其搭建跨國家和社區橋梁的目標。”
百人會成立於 1989 年,是美國無黨派、非政治、非營利的全國性組織。由 來自不同領域的傑出美籍華人組成。憑籍會員的知識與經驗, 百人會致力雙 重使命,即推動美中兩國之間富有建設性的關係、以及推動華人在美國社會 生活各個層面的全面參與。
如需更多信息, 請參閱百人會網站:
電子郵箱:[email protected]