Perils of Warrantless Surveillance: The Case for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Reform

Brian A. Sun

Committee of 100 partnered with the Asian American Scholar Forum (ASF), American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), APA Justice, and Brennen Center to host a webinar on June 26, 2023, regarding Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Under this provision, law enforcement has the authority under certain circumstances to conduct warrantless surveillance of communications between Americans and foreigners. Asian Americans, especially Chinese Americans, and the immigrant and scientific communities, have been targeted for warrantless surveillance that led to wrongful and unjust prosecutions.

The webinar provided an overview of Section 702 and its purpose while also discussing how Section 702 impacts Chinese Americans. Featuring a keynote by Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, followed by a panel discussion with Liza Goitein, Sr. Director at Brennan Center; Gang Chen, Professor at MIT; Ashley Gorski, Sr. Staff Attorney at ACLU; and Brian Sun, Partner at Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP; moderated by Lillian Sing, Retired Judge, California Superior Court.

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